Warmer and more HVAC cost savings this winter

I have to say that I’m sort of strutting around a bit this winter.

For a guy who is almost uniquely not any good at home projects, I finally did something right.

And all it took was turning to the HVAC professionals for some help. I didn’t even have to go to the HVAC company. I was able to find everything I needed online at the HVAC company’s website. After years of complaining and fretting over increasingly high heating bills, I finally decided to do something. I was so sure just how well it would work but I all I had to lose was some effort and time. We’ve been living in this house now for six winters and I’ve never properly winterized the house. The only winter prep that I’ve ever done is to call and have the HVAC technician come out and do the heating maintenance. I’m really good about that because I believe in getting consistent, seasonal HVAC maintenance. It improves the efficiency of the HVAC equipment as well as improving longevity. But I really wanted to do something to lower the high cost of heating. I found everything I needed to know at the HVAC company website. I simply followed along as it was in a checklist form. I went step by step and sealed up our house really tight. The costs were low and it only took me two or three weekends of effort to do winter prep properly. I’m strutting around this February because we’ve never been more comfortable in our home and the heating costs have dropped significantly.

cooling expert

Plan now for summer air conditioning savings

This way, I get far more acclimated to the level of heat down here and that lowers my demand for air conditioning in the summer

I’m enjoying the last bit of winter weather. It’s weird to say that as those to the far north of me are getting hit with historic cold. Each time I see this happen, I give thanks yet again for living down south. This was a choice I made years and years ago. And I for sure would trade a gas furnace for a heat pump all over again. Actually, I knew I wanted to live in the south before I was even an adult. My family would often vacation down here to get a break from the snow, ice and all that heating inside the house. I fell in love with this region and that feeling only grew. So I chose to go to college down here and never looked back. February is really pretty much the last full month of winter in this region. By March, plenty of my neighbors are already reaching for the thermostat and I hear the heat pumps kicking on. That’s usually my cue to get busy with my HVAC savings strategy for the coming heat and humidity. Of course, any sort of HVAC strategy has to start with an air conditioning tune up. So I will be calling to schedule that in the next week or so. But really, outside of keeping a tight seal on the house and mitigating direct sunlight heating, my HVAC savings strategy is pretty simple. Essentially, I just wait as long as I can to leave the air conditioning on. This way, I get far more acclimated to the level of heat down here and that lowers my demand for air conditioning in the summer. As we move into February, I have to say that I’ll sure miss this perfect winter weather.


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Enormous home transformation with air purification

I can’t wait to get home these days.

  • Sure, most people are ready to beat a path home once the work day is done.

And once again, I’m among that crowd. But it wasn’t always this way at all. For a few years, I was actually looking for more to do inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office just to avoid going home. It got to the point that my wife was actually wondering what was going on. And it was the indoor air quality. Or to put it more succinctly, the air in our house stunk to high heaven. When I walked in from the commercial HVAC of the office, I was hit with a wall of odors. That’s why I wanted to stay in the commercial HVAC at the office. My wife and I really did try to do all we could to cure our indoor air problem. There wasn’t a deodorizer we didn’t try. I even have a friend who runs a hotel who loaned me and ionizer to see if that would work. And while many of these methods produced short term benefits, there was never a solution. Once we turned to the HVAC professionals, we learned right away why those deodorizers didn’t work. If we really wanted to solve the indoor air quality problem, we had to go to the source. And that meant killing the bacteria in the air that was causing the odors. So now, our house has been completely transformed with a whole home air purification system. Our air is so fresh and clean that I’m out of the office in a flash at the end of the day.


heating and cooling equipment

Can’t believe I’m locking down the heat pump

Apparently, things are getting weird at an exponential rate.

  • I just put on an anti-theft cage over my HVAC cabinet outside of my house.

Maybe I’m just old but this whole thing feels as though it’s whirling out of control. Our whole country seems divided and angry. For sure, I can understand where some of this comes from. There’s plenty out there that seems particularly unfair to the folks that are doing their best. I for one, am a rule follower and do the things I’m supposed to do. So it really galls me that I have to put a cage over my HVAC equipment just to keep it from being destroyed by thieves. Had someone told me that this would be the case 20 years ago, I would have laughed in their face. But what makes it worse is the fact that thieves aren’t even stealing important heating and cooling equipment. They are actually destroying thousands of dollars worth of residential HVAC to get their hands on copper fittings. That’s right, entire HVAC units are torn to bits and left strewn across the yard for handfuls of copper fittings. These thieves are so desperate due to addiction or whatever circumstance that they’re willing to go to these links for copper fittings. And even then, those thieves are being paid pennies on the dollar for the copper that they steal. Yeah, I just don’t get it but I dang sure don’t want to have to fight the insurance company to replace by residential HVAC either. I guess things could get a whole lot worse but I’m sure hoping I’m not around for that.


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The heat pump is a savior around these parts

It’s just so nice outside today.

I spent the morning with several cups of coffee and a pair of binoculars.

It’s so great this time of year to just sit outside and watch the critters do their thing. What’s even better is the fact that the heat pump is quiet. This way, I can hear the birds and focus my binoculars to catch a glimpse of maybe a hawk or some other cool bird. For sure, this is the only sort of winter that I would ever embrace. Our heat pump is fully capable of providing all the heating we need. It’s just that we don’t need much heating and so the heat pump stays quiet. But that’s a good thing as it needs its rest after spending more than eight months cooling the house. I simply can’t imagine what it would be like around here without the heat pump. But some 70 years ago, there was nothing out there like residential HVAC. The heat pump wasn’t introduced residentially until the 1950s. I can remember my grandfather talking about living through our summers without any sort of air conditioning. It sounded pretty cool to a little kid because my grandfather grew up on a farm. The idea of getting up at three in the morning and getting all your chores done was intriguing when I was 10 years old. But the reality of trying to live in this region without air conditioning is something that boggles my mind as an adult. Thankfully, the HVAC professionals give my heat pump consistent, seasonal HVAC maintenance so I don’t have to worry at all.


a/c professional

It’s winter still but I’m already thinking about air conditioning

When you live where I do, the summer heat is really never off your mind.

But I guess that beats living way up north.

I imagine that sort of winter is always on one’s mind. Between prepping the house, dealing with all the snow and ice and HVAC issues, I imagine that’s a full plate. So I will for sure take my situation in the south over winters in the north. Of course right now, we are enjoying wonderful weather as our winters are so lovely and mild. The heat pump is quiet now as there’s not much call for heating at all. But I know this won’t last. It’ll be a few more months of this sort of weather before the temperatures begin to rise. Before you know it, June will roll around and the oppressive heat will be laid on top of us like a really hot, moist blanket. It’s a good idea to have your ducks in a row prior to the heat really setting in. We have a pretty good strategy in our home. When the temperatures start to rise in March, we leave the air conditioning off. This allows us to acclimate to the rising temperatures which results in less air conditioning demand for the summer. Plus, just getting acclimated to the higher temperatures makes the height of summer feel much less overwhelming. But I make sure that I call the HVAC company to have the HVAC technician come out and do the air conditioning tune up in late February. It’s always a good thing to get ahead and be sure the heat pump is ready for action.

heating corp

It has been a warm one this winter and with less heating costs

So being proactive really does pay off! It’s the first week of January and our house is toastier than it’s ever been.

On top of that, I just got the latest utility bill and it didn’t make me crazy. We are actually on track to save more than 20 percent on heating costs this winter. That’s just the sort of one, two punch that I was looking for. And this pair of good things comes from just a bit of proactivity on my part. For years, I’ve been complaining about how long the winter is. I’m from the south and never really experienced anything when it came to cold like this. And it seems like the gas furnace was just running all the time. Yet, I was doing nothing to mitigate either the drafty environment in my home nor the high cost of heating. So this fall, I kind of looked myself in the mirror and decided it was time to quit complaining and do something about it. I started by going to the HVAC company website. This was the best move actually because that’s all I needed. The HVAC professionals that we count on had a winter preparation checklist on their website. It was totally downloadable so I was able to put that in my hands and get right to work. I just went step by step in order to seal up the house really tight. And the cost of doing so was negligible. All it really took was some time over a few weekends to complete the winter preparations on this home. Man, am I ever glad I took the time to get my house right before the cold set in. I love the way our house feels now and I love saving money because the gas furnace isn’t running all the time.

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